Absurde, créatif et débauché : dix ans après, « Second Life » est t...
I have not failed on a desert island, but on Second Life . Like me, some haggard and clumsy beginners landed on this strange beach to discover what remains of this game that occupied the headlines there about ten years. I expected to find , a decade later, a deserted world, aging technology and a few cobwebs in the corners.It was exactly the opposite.** Morgane Tual, translated from the original French by Google **
When I was first contacted to be interviewed for this article I truly didn't know what to expect and I cringed imagining some of the possible outcomes.
It didn't help that the journalist, Morgane Tual, just happened to contact me on April 1st. I had already received an invitation to a new "Gorean Inspired Marquis de Sade" roleplay that morning and was on the lookout for more April Fool's fun so when she said she was from Le Monde I took it with a grain of salt.
I asked her to send the questions via email allowing me time to think before responding. She was probably surprised at my long, essay type answers but I wanted to emphasize the sides of Second Life that members of the Historical Communities often explore (creative, historical, educational, fun, friends etc.) in hopes that some of that flavour would filter through.
I'm so glad that she actually took the time to venture into Second Life herself and the result is a much more balance piece than the dreck you usually read.
As a bonus, I got to have the last word!!
It didn't help that the journalist, Morgane Tual, just happened to contact me on April 1st. I had already received an invitation to a new "Gorean Inspired Marquis de Sade" roleplay that morning and was on the lookout for more April Fool's fun so when she said she was from Le Monde I took it with a grain of salt.
I asked her to send the questions via email allowing me time to think before responding. She was probably surprised at my long, essay type answers but I wanted to emphasize the sides of Second Life that members of the Historical Communities often explore (creative, historical, educational, fun, friends etc.) in hopes that some of that flavour would filter through.
I'm so glad that she actually took the time to venture into Second Life herself and the result is a much more balance piece than the dreck you usually read.
As a bonus, I got to have the last word!!
Tatiana, quant à elle, éprouve du plaisir dans son métier de designeuse classique, qui peut lui prendre jusqu’à huit heures par jour « quand je suis bloquée par la neige à la maison ». Car sa seconde vie a beau être importante, elle me confie que c’est notamment « la météo de la vraie vie » qui définit la limite entre les deux, et conditionne la déconnexion. « Quand arrive le mois de mai, je préfère passer mon temps libre à travailler dans mon vrai jardin. »
Take a look and see what you think. It's in French but the translations (via either Google or Bing) though a bit clunky, aren't all that bad.
"Absurd, creative & debauched": Guess Which One I Am! by Tatiana Dokuchic on 2016-04-28 An interview can be a scary thing!
Images: Morgane Tula, Tatiana Dokuchic (click to enlarge)
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