The use of the RPS Role-Play system is encouraged (but not necessary) to take full advantage of this event. Find out more at Duché de Coeur - RPS Getting Started.
Set up will begin 6am Friday February 5th. Take down 6pm Sunday February 7th.
A schedule of event times will be posted so that you know when you are most likely to meet people there. Each participant will be limited to 20 prims though exceptions may be granted (contact me to arrange for more prims). You will be assigned a specifc area for your set up.
We are looking for a variety of people:
Merchants - selling goods for RP$. You can do this a number of ways including the use of RP$ Vendors (contact me for more information) or by actually being present and selling the items directly. Bartering & trading is encouraged. Any item applicable to the time period is welcome including, food, herbs, flowers, art, healing potions, furniture etc. There will not be a charge for these merchants.
Merchants - selling RPS Compatible goods for L$. Spaces are limited and there will be a L$100 fee to participate.
Merchants - selling goods for L$. Spaces are limited and there will be a L$100 fee to participate.
All merchants are encouraged to be present Sunday February 7th from 12pm to 2pm SLT at a minimum.
Services - earning RP$. It would be great to have people offering different services: healing, fortune telling, musicians, magicians, jugglers, kissing booth (PG kisses only ;) ) Please use your imagination! The times for these will be advertised as individual events.
Contact TatianaDokuchic Varriale (here or inworld) for more information, to reserve your spot and/or to schedule an event time.
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