Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Beautiful View


I’m very excited to announce the upcoming expansion of the Provence Coeur Estate!

A new region will soon be added to the east side of the Jardin Français (Provence Coeur Est2) and will be home to the Châteaude Bellevue, Madame de Pompadour’s elegant home with its beautiful view of the Seine River.

My version will be based on the 1750 plan as originally championed by the Marquise and though it will be simplified for Second Life (I’ve learned more than a few lessons from my never-ending building journey with the Petit Trianon) I hope it will evoke some of the atmosphere of the original.

More details to follow.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for some fascinating reading check out BetweenWorlds: The Biography of Madame de Pompadour's Boudoir Turc a “biographical account of her Turkish boudoir at Bellevue examines its implications of personal and private life, class and gender, and the role of exoticism in eighteenth-century architectural interiors“.


Image: The Château de Bellevue, in the time of Madame de Pompadour, from the courtyard to the west on Wikipedia

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