Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Beautiful View


I’m very excited to announce the upcoming expansion of the Provence Coeur Estate!

A new region will soon be added to the east side of the Jardin Français (Provence Coeur Est2) and will be home to the Châteaude Bellevue, Madame de Pompadour’s elegant home with its beautiful view of the Seine River.

My version will be based on the 1750 plan as originally championed by the Marquise and though it will be simplified for Second Life (I’ve learned more than a few lessons from my never-ending building journey with the Petit Trianon) I hope it will evoke some of the atmosphere of the original.

More details to follow.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for some fascinating reading check out BetweenWorlds: The Biography of Madame de Pompadour's Boudoir Turc a “biographical account of her Turkish boudoir at Bellevue examines its implications of personal and private life, class and gender, and the role of exoticism in eighteenth-century architectural interiors“.


Image: The Château de Bellevue, in the time of Madame de Pompadour, from the courtyard to the west on Wikipedia

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Sugar Plum Manor

Sugar Plum Manor
My entry for the Lights of Hope Home Decoration Contest 2022.

See it at:
Lights of Hope - Sugar Plum Manor

Did you ever wonder where the Sugar Plum Fairy spends her downtime? I imagine she lives in a neat little neoclassic townhouse surrounded by a lovely park with a Zen Garden. Of course, there are macaroons and other treats sprinkled liberally around the lot and various nods to her ballet background. And mice ... lots of caroling mice ... because after all it wouldn't be The Nutcracker without a few rodents hanging around.

Photo Credit: SkyeRyder Varriale

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Petit Trianon: Kitchen Stew Stove

Authentic to Marie-Antoinette's Petit Trianon, this stew stove is a lovely example of an 18th century advancement that saw cooking move from a cauldron at the hearth to a stove with individual fireholes. These stoves allowed for a variance in temperature when cooking in a variety of pots.

In this Second Life version, hexagonal tiles grace the top while burnished dark bronze doors are fit for a queen's kitchen.

Touch for the HUD to turn the fire (low-lag animated) and the sound on/off. Please note that these scripts are copy only.

See it inworld or on the SLM .


Sunday, January 12, 2020

AES Journal: Tatiana's Farming for Fortune

How time flies! It's been more than six months since my last journal entry; apparently I've been so engaged playing that writing rather fell by the wayside.

Shortly after the last journal entry, back in June, the focus of our farming in the Queen's Hamlet switched over to using the brand-new Household (HH) functionality. Anastasia, Duchesse de Coeur, stepped in as the QH HH Owner and we adapted our production strategies to better suit our HH needs.

I'm glad to say that controlling the scope of our endeavours proved to be a wise decision. Our QH HH has slowly grown to include seven members, a size that seems to be easily sustainable even during times of transition. It's always good to keep in mind that this active roleplay is for fun!

Read more of the latest installment of AES Journal: Tatiana's Farming for Fortune

Friday, January 10, 2020

TTR-Bread & Cookie Making Kit

Experience the joys of baking with this delightful bread & cookie making kit. Mix ingredients, knead dough for bread or roll dough for cookies and when you're all done baking enjoy a slice of fresh bread or a beautiful snowflake Christmas cookie. Lots of little details help add to the overall experience; bread steams when rezzed then cools as it sits, rolling pin pops off the counter into your hand as does the mixing bowl and wooden spoon.

With a variety of lovely accessories, this kit makes your Second Life roleplay both beautiful and a whole lot of fun!

See it inworld or on the SLM .

Happy Baking!

Monday, January 6, 2020

QH Co-op: The News ~ January 5, 2020

Happy New Year!

It's been ages since our last official QH Newsletter but given all the good things going on in our household a new one seemed like an excellent idea so here's the news ...

Photo by Tatiana Dokuchic taken in the Queen's Kitchen Garden, Second Life.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Petit Trianon: Kitchen Fireplace

This beautiful vintage fireplace is modeled after the real-life kitchen fireplace in Marie-Antoinette's Petit Trianon. It boasts a lovely limestone surround, brick hearth, and cast-iron screen with a royal insignia. Perfect for your own Second Life castle, chateau or home.

Touch for the HUD to turn the fire (low-lag animated) and the sound on/off. Please note that these scripts are copy only.

Also note that this fireplace is meant to be placed up against a wall as there is no geometry for the back or bottom.

Photographed in Kitchen of the Petit Trianon; please note that this purchase includes ONLY the fireplace.

See it Inworld or on the SLM.
