A fresh breeze is blowing through the Duché de Coeur.
Cool, clean,
it brings the promise of renewal
the excitement of change.
We're accustomed to renewal in the Duché. Over the past five years, we've prided ourselves on changing with the seasons and adapting to the times. Even if those times did tend to reflect the late 1700's ;)
Now we've embarked on an exciting new challenge. Land will be reshaped, rivers will be diverted and the carriage horses will be taught new routes. Old haunts will be removed only to reappear, refreshed in their new locations.
Soon we will be officially inviting you to rediscover our beloved land. Until then, you can still explore to your heart's content and have fun spying out some of the work in progress.
Don't mind the dust, that's just some Coeur magic in the air!
Tatiana Dokuchic on Google+
Nordic Wild by Head Like an Orange